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Types of intelligence and exercises to increase concentration and relaxation exercises

        Many believe that the measure of intelligence lies in academic education in terms of the Accreditation assess student skills in mathematics and physics in general, and this is wrong ...

Since this type of intelligence is one of the seven types of intelligence has been divided scientifically ...

Each type of intelligence is linked to other types of intelligence ... For example, physical intelligence increases the brain's ability to think and to this we find that a healthy mind in a healthy body. Some will wonder: How consider that in sport intelligent? You will notice that sports a quick-witted and attentive (and these are all brain functions) and use of this attention may find interesting in stimulating brain cells to grow and has other mental abilities

Some people think that innate intelligence and natural is the foundation ... but in fact, the intelligence acquired lies the greater importance, stallion math exercises, for example, will give you the ability and speed in solving other exercises Although these and other exercises are not her predecessor relationship, but the same person becomes quickly It is solved in this case did not acquire information, but gained intelligent ...

Here are seven types of intelligence
:::::::::::::::::: Linguistic intelligence and intended the ability to speak, and authoring
Logical intelligence :::::::::::::::: the ability to account solving logical things
Spatial intelligence ::::::::::::::::: the ability to think in pictures and imagine things three-way dimensions
Musical intelligence :::::::::::: the ability to hear the melodies and understand friendliness
Physical intelligence - Kinetic: the ability of the mind to control the body quickly and skill
The social intelligence :::::::::::: the ability to understand others, and dealing with them
Individual intelligence :::::::::::::::: capacity for self-understanding and development. (After a few will understand)

Type your intelligence discovered!
Remember that the human species is characterized by one of the intelligence, and has also a share of the other species
Now you see applies to you more

Is your intelligence of linguistic type?
Books represent me more than any other way the importance of collecting information - I hear the words and sentences occurred before the pronunciation of the - the best radio and books more than the visual media - adept at playing with words crossword games words - masterful in puns: Oslaosedkaúa manipulating words and Comics and slips of the tongue intended - curriculum : Best languages on math and science - Otinaalser in highways read billboards and paintings shops instead of watching over the city - refer to what I read recently in a lot of times when I discuss with others.

Is your intelligence logical type?
Can imagine the numbers and columns easily in mind - in the best math and science school and discriminate them - I enjoy puzzles and games that require logical thinking - am looking for organization and phrases Almagafah in activities and events - I follow the developments of science Bashgv- I think I can explain things in a coherent and orderly - when I think show me Aloqcar as ideas and not in the form of phrases or images (abstract details of the image and the word)

Is your intelligence type of spatial - collages?
I see the forms and clear when I close my eyes - I see dreams come to life like I am watching a film - the best recording notes by Souro Video - Enjoy gas mazes and puzzles that rely on observation - I can go into unfamiliar places without Astaanaboukrath - in the study: Engineering easier than algebra - I can imagine anything given to him from different angles or from the top

Is your intelligence of the physical kind - motor?
I exercise every day for at least an hour - I'm not able to stay in my seat for long periods - enjoy exercise activities that rely on hand, such as knitting and making ornaments or carpentry - during the dialogue I use my hand movements to emphasize certain points - Oattabrnevsa well-coordinated - when you learn a skill new love that most humble immediately put in practice instead of reading about it first or Mshahdtha- when I learn something new I like to touch things discovered close

Is your intelligence of musical genre -?
Sonic crossing while singing - easily I can understand harmony melody more than machine - I know House of Poetry Mozhuna or not easily - echo a lot of the songs in a vacuum - times I spend a lot of time listening music - will lose my joy for Omenat of singing in the shower and hear the music - during work or study Click fingers or yellow or most notably some tunes

Is your intelligence of Gender?
Asks me to my friends advice - the best games and group activities instead of swimming and horseback riding - ask for help from my friends when Quaa the problem - I have five friends, at least - leisure time I like team sports such as paper instead of video games - I feel camaraderie, even among crowds of strangers - prepared myself a leader or promises me that my friends - I would love to live in the midst of a social

Is your intelligence type of individual?
I spend time alone to think or imagine and meditate - I love books and courses that talk about self - enjoy knowing a lot about self-development - my views differ from the views of them in my life - I have a special interest or a private hobby practice them and I am far from the others - I have a basic idea of the strength and twice the points - Best short spend holidays alone often - I have a strong will and enjoy the independence of (I think of myself) - Keep a daily notes to my events
Remember that it should not be all specifications apply to you until you apply the type of intelligence, it is important that mostly applies

And linked to the seven types of intelligence all the ability and one is the ability to focus ... and also this ability when the increase will maintain the mind of weakness, delirium and maintained by ...

So I come to you Ptdreben you can Tfanmohma Tstqgua them and other exercises and increase the ability of the mind to focus and train ... Another very useful to prevent the depletion of the power of the mind ...

Certainly do not need to explain the benefit of focusing on things, all the activities of mind you need to focus, focus on reading, and focus on problem-solving, and concentration in sports, all of that requires intense attention, so you get 100% of the desired working interest.

1. exercises increased focus

Training 1:
Bring wristwatch or wall is not electronic (counterclockwise).
Grabbed her well and focused only movement Scorpio, you have to forget everything around you and think only Balakrb! I know it is difficult training but try to grow your ability.
You have to maintain your focus for a minute.
If laid off at something you have to repeat the training.
Do not forget to work training in a quiet atmosphere, and there is nothing on your mind.
Challenge yourself every day and you'll find your ability to concentrate will increase to 5 minutes.

Training 2:
Imagine a star in the air.
You have to keep imagining her for a minute.
Do not forget to work training in a semi-quiet atmosphere (while walking home or work, but do not do while reading or watching TV)
Wherever heed and consider that the star must be your mind.
Get Your Turkazah after training times and times to 10-5 minutes.

2. exercises to prevent the depletion of the ability of the mind

Relaxation training:
Erde loose clothing Kmlabs sleep time and take off the glasses and socks ... etc.
Lie down on your back and open your hands at an angle of less than 90-bit.
Open your legs the middle distance (do not close it and open it for another) almost 45 degrees.
Revealed little ass without moving your body as if someone cashout of your feet.
Now close your eyes and inhale deeply.
Move your head slowly to the right and then to the left slowly and then prepared to normal.
Feel the force of gravity over your body wraps, which cover every part of you like a placebo cover.
Breathe deeply and felt how the rise and raise your chest gravity with lid.
Now Fill in your right foot air, and when you exhale Let all the poisons in your foot out with the exhaled air (and that's just imagine)
Do this with the rest of the members of the body of toxins and saved him.
Blessed are you now feeling comfortable with this ... but if grown, because it is forbidden to open your eyes.
Try these exercises and tell me how many minutes shattered?
And what I was trained to relax? (Can not be described but it is a nice feeling)


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