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On Purchasing Salmon Fishing Lures

By Kenya England

Fishing is a form of art besides being a hobby. You need to know more than just hooking baits and plopping the fishing rod in water for the activity to be productive. You have to know the prey preferred by the fish you are targeting. The fishing time should be right and the method used should be suitable too. Salmon fishing lures should be chosen carefully.

The baits used vary widely. However, the bottom line for successful fishing is employment of the right technique. You should be knowledgeable on the various types of lures used. However, knowing the names of the baits will be of no help to you if you cannot use them effectively.

Baits can be either artificial or live. The live ones are used most of the times. Since they are actually alive, they are able to move on their own in water and it is easy for the fish to think that they are genuine. Their smell is an added advantage because it attracts a fish. Eggs are the leading live baits. They are bright, colorful and cheap. In addition, they happen to be the tastiest treats for salmon.

Another type of live lures is minnows. They are resourceful in catching many of the fish residing in freshwater bodies. To note is that they will only be beneficial to you if they are alive. Therefore, confirm they are not dead when you are hooking them. Sand shrimp will always deliver good outcomes when used in salmon fishing. They are expensive and hard to rig though. Nevertheless, if you have the time and money go for them.

Artificial baits are more common than the live ones. Silver spoon is the commonest. It has a hollow oval connected to the hook. The oval flares and flaps in water attracting the fish. Spinner bait is also a good alternative. It comes with metallic blades which ripple the water when they spin.

Cut plugs take after small fish and are rigid. They have the advantage of being adorned with many hooks. Color and luster are important features for any type of lax fishing lure. Salmons will not be found near the water surface and the lure color must be easily detected by fish in dark waters. The colors which have been confirmed to be visible at great depths include green, purple, UV and blue.

Besides the lure, the technique used in fishing must be right. You can end up with no catch even when you have the best lure at hand. Trolling is the recommended lax fishing approach by the experts in the field. It involves keeping the boat on move constantly. The bait should also be moving all the time while in the water.

Weights and divers are used to make baits go deep into the water. Salmons will be found at the bottom-most parts of the water bodies and move continuously. The lure should have the same characteristics too. When making the cast, do it at the point a fish are moving towards. They will detect it readily. If the lure is live, a fish will be attracted by its smell. Salmon fishing is so much fun and productive if the right lures are used.

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