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Exercises to increase and enhance memory and IQ

       If you want to increase the level of your intelligence and your memory refers communication experts and human development to some exercises that will help you and it is very simple in its performance, but its impact is very effective and you can notice that after a brief period of and you do those exercises:

First Exercise: Handwriting contrary (Hand change that are written by you of these exercises amusing and useful: this exercise, plain and simple required: requires you to change the hand that writes the sense that if you're writing a left hand ..., write with the right, and vice write your name quartet in today 10 visits, for 3 days then write statements of 30 words - whatever - per day for 10 and this exercise is not to continue, but to intensify the neural links. I like to continue - especially Especially wanted to turn to write with the right hand - I do not mind. in the beginning will remember your line in the first grade (Laugh) a little and continued training:


Work of the new links (nerve cells) and these links to increase intelligence and speed Witted each nerve cell (neuron) Off including shrubs (bushes nervous), these shrubs of up to 10 thousand in enclosed premises nervous to 80 or 100 thousand in enclosed premises (any branch) When people start thinking these bushes start growing, composed nervous links with other cells, and so we are here in these exercises increase of these linkages and shrubs (not cells) and this increase over intelligence .. and the information becomes moves at a fast brain is not delayed:

2 exercises increase links: mirror

Determine the star and The paintings but Vision Draw a star - any form - then place the mirror as the picture and start Draw star - but considering the pen Women in the beginning will not control the path of the pen and go in opposite directions so as to not The existence of correlations nervous and this exercise is doing neurological links opposite - thinking upside down - do not exist only workout mirror.

3 exercises increase links:

Writing in the same hand (but Versa this exercise: to write your name, but from left to right), and in a manner reversed Any of the first to the last -- Could find a significant barrier at the beginning of this exercise: but be positive and continued to exercise.


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